We invite you to listen to the lectures of this year’s Jewish Culture Festival as podcasts!


As every year, we give you our festival lectures to listen to again. Recall that the theme of this edition of the festival was: Shema Yisrael and Ahava – the first words of the most important Jewish prayer and love.

On our Spotify account and website you can listen to what has been prepared especially for the 33rd Jewish Culture Festival by Rabbi Boaz Pash, Monika Krajewska, Prof. Stanislaw Krajewski, Prof. Joanna Tokarska-Bakir and Konstanty Gebert, Shana Penn and Moses Libitzky, Prof. Ben-Dror Yemini, as well as Janusz Makuch.

The lectures by Jeremiah Lockwood and Dr. Michal Jaczynski are de facto sound lectures: one devoted to pre-war Hebrew music, and the other to the revival of Hasidic music in modern times. A conversation between Rabbi Malgorzata Kordowicz and Father Waclaw Oszajca SJ dealt with the role of the Bible in communication with God, and Karolina Przewrocka-Aderet spoke with Israeli writer Yakov Z. Meyer about his latest book Nechemia.

On Spotify you will also find podcasts with lectures from even earlier editions of the FKŻ. All recordings are available in their original versions.


Enjoy listening!