Donation by check?
Donation by wire transfer?
Write your check to Myriad USA, write “Jewish Culture Festival Association” in the memo section of the check, and send it to: Myriad USA, 551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2400, New York, NY 10176, USA
Gifts by wire transfer or to contribute other types of property: Email Myriad USA at: or phone (212) 713 7660.
How does the Association operate?
We are one of the oldest and leading NGOs in Poland. We started our activities in 1988, when the first Jewish Culture Festival was held.
Each edition of the Festival, as well as all other activities of our Society, was possible thanks to the many donations, subventions and grants that we have received from diverse sources, including organizations and institutions from Poland and abroad, such as: City of Krakow, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Małopolska Region, Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation, Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ford Foundation, Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture, Koret Foundation, Nadav Foundation, Kulczyk Foundation, as well as EU-funds, such as European Economic Area Fund, Swiss Fund and the support from the U.S. Government.
Thanks to their generosity, more than 30,000 people from all around the globe each year enjoy contemporary Jewish culture during the Festival and in our Cheder (opened in 2007). Thanks to the same support we also developed a unique and international volunteering program, in which approximately 100 young people from many countries of the world participate every year.
As an NGO, operating predominantly on public subventions and donations, we are completely transparent. All received funds are spent in a clear way, efficiently and in accordance with the Polish fiscal law, as well as with the respect to the good practice. Although the Polish law does not require it, every second year we carry out an external audit to make sure we operate in the accordance with the changing law. External auditors have not had any critical remarks and proved transparency and accuracy of our activities. Audit reports (in Polish) can be made available upon request.
In 2015 our Society (as a recipient of the highest subventions from the public institutions: City of Krakow and Ministry of Culture and National Heritage) was a subject for an detailed control by the Supreme Audit Office. The audit report, covering the years between 2012 and 2015, confirmed that our Society spends and accounts all received funds according to good manner and Polish fiscal law.
Donations – basic rules
Sending a donation to the Society means acceptance of below described rules and information.
1. Donation would be sent to the Society via electronic payments system PayU, with the address in Poznań, 182 Grunwaldzka Street, tax identification number: 779-23-08-495
2. All donations are entirely dedicated by the Society to cover costs related to the statutory activities of the Jewish Culture Festival Society, as described in its charter.
3. Donation could be earmarked to a particular project / aspect of the Society’s activities, that include annual festival, Cheder program as well as volunteer program, or could be unspecified. In the latter case the Society will decide about the use of the donation within the activities described above.
4. After a closing of our financial tax year (January 1st – December 31st) and after completing the annual balance of the Society (by the end of March of the following year), the detailed report could be sent to the Donor upon request. If you wish to receive such a report, please contact Robert Gądek (e-mail above)
5. In order to secure the privacy and respect donor’s anonymity, we would very much appreciate information, if you wish your name to be listed on the list of our donors on the website. If not, your name will not be acknowledged in any publicly available resources, except for the documents required by the Polish fiscal law to report annual incomes of the Society.
6. Sending a donation to the Society does not mean any obligations for sending further donations in the future, which are subject of the Donor. Donor decides about the amount of the donation.
Personal information
7. Personal data, collected during the payment process, is used by the Society and PayU company only for the purposes of completing of the transaction and for the proper book keeping. By entering your e-mail address, you agree to receive Society’s newsletter which is sent out from Freshmail website. To activate the newsletter, you need to agree to that by clicking the link in the e-mail that will be sent to you. Confirmation is not obligatory.
8. Personal data collected during the donation process includes: first name and last name of the donor and donor’s e-mail address (mandatory fields to complete transaction), as well as postal address and phone number in case they are added by the donor (these are not mandatory fields).
9. Personal information given during the electronic payment are collected and used by our partner – PayU company, with respect to Polish and international personal data regulations.
Withdrawal of the donation
10. Each donor has right to request the withdrawal of the donation within 7 days from the date of payment. This is in case we receive the money by mistake. If you wish your donation to be returned to you in such a case, please contact Robert Gądek (e-mail above).
Payments’ security
11. All transactions are supervised by the PayU company and made through their internet platform that has all required certificates and security systems.