Baruch dayan Ha’emet. Cantor Benzion Miller passed away. His voice could open the gates of heaven, which are inaccessible to everyone on a daily basis. My Brother and Dear Friend, a blessed soul of the Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow is no longer with us.

An era from which we could draw beauty and goodness has just come to an irrevocable end. Chazan Benzion Miller was the embodiment of this beauty and goodness and will always remain it.

After a long absence, he returned to Krakow on December 18th, last year. He loved Krakow and that is why he wanted to celebrate his seventy-seventh birthday here. He wanted this to happen with all his heart, even though he knew that he was risking his life for this.

In spite of a constant pain and suffering with every breath he took, he rejoiced again with the Creation. During the last Havdalah, I listened attentively to his trembling voice as he was singing a blessing over the wine to say goodbye to Shabbat.

Behold, God is my deliverance; I will trust and will not be afraid; truly the Lord is my strength and my song; he has delivered me indeed. Joyfully shall you draw upon the fountains of deliverance. It is for the Lord to bring help; my God, thy blessing be upon thy people. The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our Stronghold. Lord of hosts; happy is the man who trusts in thee. O Lord, save us; may the King answer us when we call. 

It did not occur to me at the time that he was saying goodbye to us, too.

And just as he celebrated his last birthday in Krakow’s Kazimierz, so from Krakow’s Kazimierz he began his painful return to the source of his existence.

Opened – Closed – Opened

When a pious and just man dies, the gates of heaven swing open. Then, for a tiny fraction of eternity, the light descends upon us. Then the gates close and the darkness and silence fall upon us.

In the light scattered all over the Kazimierz district of Krakow, there is an enchanted gratitude and love for my late Brother and Friend. I see him walk with a quick, energetic step from the Remuh cemetery to the Tempel Synagogue, where he is awaited by a Choir consisting of the world’s most eminent cantors. After a moment, as if from behind the Aron ha-Kodesh, the light of his voice comes onto us.

May his soul be bound by the knot of eternal life. Amen

Janusz Makuch

photos: Michał Ramus
translation: Katarzyna Spiechlanin